Remembering Jack Lord
December 30, 1920 - January 21, 1998


Photographer unknown. Photographic slide purchased by webmaster.
Jack and Marie's Continuing Legacy to the People of Hawai'i
Jack and Marie were very generous contributors to worthy causes throughout their lives. Their generosity did not end with their deaths. In 1988, they set up a fund through the Hawai'i Community Foundation to benefit 12 charities, which they selected. Their initial gift was $50,000; it grew to $750,000 by the time of Jack's death in January 1998. Upon Marie's death in October 2005, the fund received the balance of the couple's estate, valued at more than $40 million. The Jack & Marie Lord Fund generates an estimated $1.6 million to $2 million each year.
Jack and Marie's gift helped to construct the worship and performing arts center at The Salvation Army Kroc Center in Ewa Beach, provides guide dogs to enable the blind to get out and about, helps to educate the intellectually and physically disabled, and provides hospice care for the dying -- and that's just the beginning.
The following 12 charities receive between $32,000 and $340,000 per year from the Jack and Marie Lord Fund:
Hospice Hawaii, St. Francis Hospice Care Center, the Salvation Army's Hawai'i Division, Eye of the Pacific Guide Dogs Inc., The Association for Retarded Citizens in Hawaii, the Bishop Museum, Variety Club of Honolulu, the Hawaiian Humane Society, the United Service Organizations, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Hawaii Public Television, and the Hawaii Lions Eye Foundation.
Contact the Conservators
Jack & Marie Lord Fund
Hawai'i Community Foundation, 827 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813
Telephone: 808-537-6333 Toll-Free: 888-731-3863 Fax: 808-521-6286
Website: http://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org.
Here are a few of the news items regarding Jack and Marie's philanthropy:
Hawaii Community Foundation: Faces of Philanthropy (2008). https://issuu.com/hcfhawaii/docs/75623_hcfnl5
Hospice Hawaii: 2015 Impact Report. https://www.hospicehawaii.org/wp-content/uploads/HH031601impactreport.r4X-4.pdf
Hawaii Community Foundation Celebrates 100 Years of Philanthropy (2016). http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/33717043/hawaii-community-foundation-celebrates-100-years-of-philanthropy/
PBS Hawaii. Foundation Supporters (2017). http://pbshawaii.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/PBSHAWAII_2016-Report.pdf
Jack and Marie Lord Worship & Performing Arts Center. Salvation Army: Kroc Center
I wish I had known Jack and Marie. It was lovely for me to see photographs of
them together. No matter how bad life gets, it is warming to know that true
love did exist between these two wonderful people and still endures, even today,
even when they are no longer with us in the physical body. I say a quiet Mahalo
to them each night, for what they gave us in life remains after their passing
and I for one am all the more grateful to them because of that.
~ RJL Member, Silver Sapphire