"National Geographic" has an article this morning about the leper colony on the Island of Molokai, Hawaii. In an effort to keep That Darn Virus from reaching them in their already weakened states, the State of Hawaii has placed them in quarantine. They can't see their families, who previously traveled from the other islands to visit. "National Geographic" suggested that we send letters, pictures, etc. that might help to cheer them. I think this is an excellent cause and hope you will, too. Here is the address for sending your letters:
To the Residents of Kalaupapa, Molokaic/o Pacific Historic Parks98-211 Pali Momi Street, No. 200-AAiea, Hawaii 96701
That reminds me of the part in Michener's novel "Hawaii" when he writes in the chapter "From the Starving Village" about the Chinese couple being deported to Kalawao because the husband was diagnosed wih leprosy.
That reminds me of the part in Michener's novel "Hawaii" when he writes in the chapter "From the Starving Village" about the Chinese couple being deported to Kalawao because the husband was diagnosed wih leprosy.