Here are the answers to the questions that did not fit in the previous comment box:
5. Bernard Herrmann, who also composed the music to "Citizen Zane," "North by Northwest," "Psycho," and many other well-known films.
Bonus Question: Jack was 36 years old in March 1957, when "Williamsburg: The Story of a Patriot" was first shown at the Colonial Williamsburg visitor's center. It is still shown daily, more than 66 years later, and is the longest running film in cinema history.
Here are the correct answers to the mini challenge:
Coca Cola
John Fry, a wealthy Virginia planter, who succeeded to the state legislature upon the death of his father.
If the Colonists lost the Revolutionary War, then Robert, who was Fry's son, could well return home after the war to find that he had no legacy (land) remaining to inherit. The war was all or nothing for the Colonists. That explains why Virginia was slow to join Massachusetts in going to war. Perhaps, it explains why the rag-tag Colonists had the drive necessary to defeat the British Red Coats.
Here are the answers to the questions that did not fit in the previous comment box:
5. Bernard Herrmann, who also composed the music to "Citizen Zane," "North by Northwest," "Psycho," and many other well-known films.
Bonus Question: Jack was 36 years old in March 1957, when "Williamsburg: The Story of a Patriot" was first shown at the Colonial Williamsburg visitor's center. It is still shown daily, more than 66 years later, and is the longest running film in cinema history.
Here are the correct answers to the mini challenge:
Coca Cola
John Fry, a wealthy Virginia planter, who succeeded to the state legislature upon the death of his father.
If the Colonists lost the Revolutionary War, then Robert, who was Fry's son, could well return home after the war to find that he had no legacy (land) remaining to inherit. The war was all or nothing for the Colonists. That explains why Virginia was slow to join Massachusetts in going to war. Perhaps, it explains why the rag-tag Colonists had the drive necessary to defeat the British Red Coats.
Virginia House of Burgesses
Continued in the comment box, above.
Great to have a quiz back, H50, oh yeah, as time goes by!! Mahalo .
Bonus question: Jack was 37 years old ("Williamsburg" was published in 1957).