Remembering Jack Lord
December 30, 1920 - January 21, 1998

Help World War II Merchant Mariners

House of Representatives Passes HR550
On Thursday, the US House of Representatives passed HR550 calling for the joint award of Congressional Gold Medals to all Merchant Marine veterans of World War II. The battle to garner support for the resolution was a long and difficult one that spanned several years. Now, the bill will go to the Senate as S133. Our continued support is needed.
Read more about it:
The struggle of Merchant Mariners to receive fair treatment and just compensation for their service during World War II is never ending. Oh, yes, Congress named merchant mariners bona fide members of the military in 1986, more than 40 years after the end of World War II, but the benefits have been very slow coming. Now, those that arrive go to the mariners' survivors.
The battle continues to this day. As the logo denotes, they are not giving up the fight. They will not go away!
Read this article to see what these merchant mariner veterans experienced, both during the war and after they returned home: http://usmm.org/pow.html
Write your Senators and ask them to support Bill 133, which would carry forward HR 550 and ensure that World War II merchant mariners receive their benefits and their recognition as military veterans.
Read about HR 154: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/154
Sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/representative-jeff-duncan-don-t-forget-the-merchant-marine-wwii-when-honoring-veterans?recruiter=21256390&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=share_twitter_responsive

The First Merchant Mariner to be Taken Prisoner of War in World War II
Stanley Willner was a deck officer aboard the M/S Sawokla, an Army Transport ship, when it was attacked by a German Raider ship and sunk. He was taken captive by the Germans, who turned him and his ship mates over to the Japanese. In turn, the Japanese sent him to help build the bridge over the River Kwai. The mistreatment did not end there. Read what happened to entirely too many merchant mariners during and after World War II.
A Merchant Mariner Tells What It was Like
Leon Schneider was a fireman aboard a merchant ship when it was torpedoed in the Caribbean. Not long afterwards, another ship on which he was serving was torpedoed. He gives a first-hand account.
Help the US Navy League help WWII Merchant Mariners
...a civilian not-for-profit organization dedicated to informing the American people and advocating that the United States of America is dependent upon strong sea services for its economic well-being and national defense...
(US Navy League Mission Statement)
​Did you realize that, although civilian merchant mariners were drafted into World War II, and even though many were killed, maimed, or captured when their ships were torpedoed, they never received the medical, educational, or other benefits afforded military veterans under the GI Bill. To this day, they are seeking to receive the benefits that their military counterparts received.
Now, the US Navy League is helping them. Thank you, Navy League. Won't you please help, too, by letting Congress know you think ALL those who served should be compensated. Just "sign" the Navy League's letter, authorizing them to contact your elected members of Congress. Remember, every vote counts. Let your vote be counted.

The American Merchant Marine Veterans of World War II honored Remembering Jack Lord.